Nowadays, everyone must have heard of 3D printing technology. And this is a term as well as a technology that is not too strange in Vietnam. This technology is gradually replacing other traditional printing technologies. They can create very beautiful products, with extremely complex profiles. So what is 3D printing technology? How to print 3D products? Let's find out through the article below:
3D printing is a process of creating three-dimensional solid objects from an electronic điệndigital file. The creation of a 3D printed object is done using additive processes. In an additive process, an object is created by placing successive layers of material until the object is created (also known as layer by layer). Each of these layers can be viewed as a sectionof the object. 3D printing is the opposite of cutting manufacturing which is cutting/hollowing a piece of metal or plastic, such as a milling machine. In 3D printing allows you to create complex shapes using less material than with traditional manufacturing methods.
Materials used: we can use plastic, metal, paper... stacked to complete an object. This technology was founded in 1980, researched and developed by Chuck Hull.
To 3D print, we need to prepare the following three tools: 3D design file, 3D printer, 3D printing ink. Specifically, we refer to the 3D printing process that includes the following steps:
Step 1: Prepare the 3D CAD model. This model you can design yourself or download from 3D libraries.
Step 2: Convert the file to STL (stereolithography) format. This is the standard format for representing solid objects in the prototyping industry.
Step 3: Put the file into the "splitting" software to adjust the size, position and orientation to the model. Then the software will proceed to cut, split, edit the data, set parameters so that the software can output the GCODE file so that the printer can read it.
Step 4: Data is transferred to the 3D printer by USB, SD card or by Wifi, using ink and built-in printing technology in the machine to create images. There are many types of ink for each specific 3D printing technology
separate. About 3D printers today, there are many types with different prices, depending on the purpose such as mini 3D printers, office 3D printers, large format 3D printers, Resin 3D printers.
Step 5: The motor will pull and melt the plastic filament through the nozzle, then print multiple layers on top of each other like a pre-built design file, creating a complete object. The object will then be cleaned and surface treated by: sanding or coating to improve shape and durability.
The application of 3D printing technology is becoming more and more widespread, it penetrates deeply into the fields of aviation, construction, food production, heavy industry, education, healthcare... from simple models. to real life products.
- Application in the electronics industry: Producing complex parts, components, equipment of machines, robots...
- Application to the manufacturing industry: 3D printing technology is applied the most when producing many products from small to large. From model complex shapes, cut scrap, quickly create test products on demand to save production time, increase efficiency and cut costs.
- Application in the fashion industry: Producing 100% clothes by 3D printing technology
- Application to the automobile industry: Manufacture of car parts.
- Application in the aviation industry: Producing parts for airplanes, spacecraft, rockets, especially parts with complex shapes.
- Application in the medical industry: Producing human anatomical models, biological tissues... for research and teaching
- Application to national security industry: Using 3D printing technology to produce guns and weapons
- Application in food production: Create food from 3D printer like the real thing
- Application in education: application in science - engineering - information technology to teach students
In addition, it also applies to many other fields.
Above are shares of vinnotek.com about 3D printing. Each type of 3D printing has different advantages, disadvantages, operating principles and printing capabilities. You should research carefully to choose the type of printing technology that is best for you!